Thursday, October 30, 2008

young padawans

It has been a blast watching the cousins, and now finally we have one ourselves.


Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

That's great! Lucy loved it!

lydia moyer said...

that was Awesome! they really do know how to use it! the young one really has some skill, how is he able to hold onto the deadly saber with out losing a hand?
seriously though that was so fun i love the princess part and the x-wing part and alex's moves and isaacs strut at the begining...oh man i just loved all of it!
i think the force runs strong in our family!

Gini said...

They are so cute! I agree with Lydia, the force must be strong with the little one, being able to hold the hot end of the light saber like that!

Kipp + Haruka = Max said...

So if you look on youtube and search 'starwars kid' one of the first movies is a fat kid showing his skills with a broom stick, It hilarious funny, almost reminded me of Alex but Alex is way cooler.

Bracan said...

Was that Aaron singing!?